Friday, 11 December 2015

drafting and planning- remake remodel task peer assessment  task link

on a previous task i was given the "mix mag" masthead and i had to set out and create my own magazine using original photography. today i was give feedback on how i can improve my work as well as positive feedback.
one thing i did well was my colour scheme as it when well with my my background and showed potential.
however i was given a list of improvements the first one been "orphaning"  when it comes to my title which is where  words are left on there own.
secondly there was a big gap between the artist and the masthead so it would be good to have either the artist overlapping the masthead or the other way round. finally my content was a bit vague and not closely related to my genre.

this feedback has helped me understand where i am going wrong and how i can make changes/adjustments to improve my magazine. i will refer back to my feedback when creating drafts and my final version. i have also learned that my colour scheme is going in the right direction so i wont have to make adjustments there.

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